Chapter 13 Wrap Up
13.1 Acknowledgements
Pandemic bioinformatic content was developed by Joann Mudge. Special thanks to Adam Gomez and participants for valuable feedback.
Linux content was developed by Adam Gomez, Ethan Price, Evan Lavelle, Kathy Myers, and Forrest Black with additional pandemic-specific content by Joann Mudge.
This publication was supported by an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under grant number P20GM103451.

13.3 Questions
If you have bioinformatics or technical questions, please email, which will send emails to everyone on the inbre team.
If you have questions on passwords/password resets, payments, receipts, etc, please email Ethan Price at and cc
Occasionally, we change servers or change how to log in so if you are having issues, please contact us.
13.4 Server access and acknowledgements
For those of you who requested continued access to our server, we will extend your account for 1 year. If you need it longer, please email us and we’ll be happy to work with you. We ask that you don’t run really large jobs while we are running workshops to avoid slowing things down. So, if you have a really large job to run, please check in with us so we can let you know when workshops will be happening.
Please note, if you use our servers to do analysis that you publish, you need to acknowledge the National Center for Genome Resources (NCGR) and the INBRE grant in your acknowledgements. Instructions for the latter can be found here:
This is really important for our annual reports so thank you in advance!
Additionally, in order to share your publications in our annual reporting, and to comply with NIH guidelines for open access, please include a PMCID with your publication. Instructions: Include PMCID in Citations.
Additional details from
If you received funding from NM-INBRE that contributed to your research or career development, you must cite NM-INBRE support on all publications, presentations, press releases, requests, requests for proposals, bid invitations, or any other documents or applications related to your funded research. Also, please be sure to cite NM-INBRE if your work benefited from the use of NM-INBRE equipment or an NM-INBRE sponsored student worked in your lab.
NIH requires the following format for citing INBRE support, to be used for presentations, publications, and other acknowledgements:
Research reported in this publication was supported by an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under grant number P20GM103451.
Where appropriate, also add:
Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NIH.
13.5 Bookdown document
You can share these with other individuals in your lab or fellow students/colleagues but please let us know who is using it so we can account for them on our annual reports (thank you!) (you can email Ethan: and cc
Please let us know who is using this document so we can account for them on our annual reports (thank you!) (you can email Ethan: and cc
This document is available at
13.6 Zoom recordings
We will only record if someone has to miss a session. Please do not share the zoom recordings as we don’t have permissions from everyone who participated. Feel free to use them for your own use. Links to zoom recordings can be found on the Discord channel.
The zoom recordings will be available for at least 3 months. Please plan to download it if you need it for a longer period of time.